Wavelet Analysis of PMU Measurements for Identification of Cyberattacks on WAMS

I. N. Kolosok, L. A. Gurina


Electric power system is a critical infrastructure and loss of its resilience and/or operability can lead to negative consequences for the national economy. Modern power systems based on sophisticated computer and communication technologies are characterized by elevated vulnerability to different types of unauthorized malicious access, i.e. cyberattacks. Wide Area Monitoring System based on the technology for vector measurements with phasor measurement units refers to the subsystems of electric power systems which are most vulnerable in terms of the aftermath of cyberattacks. In the paper we considered a WAMS structure, revealed vulnerable “points”, and analyzed potential cyberattacks. This paper proposes an approach to processing and verification of PMU data streams. The approach combines a wavelet analysis and a theory of random processes, and makes it possible to detect both systematic errors and bad data in measurements, and malicious noise disturbances caused by cyber attacks on WAMS

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24892/RIJIE/20180304


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