Automated Calculation and Control of Body Wear in a Friction Pair
It has been established that with the same initial data of deviations of the covered and spanning surfaces of a hydraulic sliding bearing, the value of the calculated diametral clearance depends, in general, on the law of the distribution of errors. It is not always possible to guarantee the fulfillment of these errors, as a result of which destabilization of the gaps of the multi-support shaft support nodes is characterized by the relation h1min ? h2min ? h3min ? h4min.To calculate the diametrical gaps in a cylindrical hydraulic sliding bearing, a model was proposed based on the condition that the circumscribed and enveloping surfaces are made on the limiting dimensions that can be combined in an unfavorable and favorable direction of contact pairing. The obtained values of the volume of worn material with both options, showing the possibility of using automated calculation in the software tool COMPAS-3D.
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