Complex Method of Evaluation of Lubricating Properties of Technological Tools and Stresses in Drawing of Products from Sheet Steel
The complex method of estimation of lubricating properties of technological lubricants and stresses at drawing of axisymmetric products from sheet steels is given. To determine the coefficients of friction in friction units during deep drawing of the used end car of friction, simulating of contact interaction of friction units under the hood of sheet steel. Determination of friction coefficients of tribo-stresses was carried out when they were lubricated with technological lubricant RE-18 containing fractal structures adsorbed on these structures of copper, bronze and zinc nanopowders. Evaluation of the effectiveness of technological lubricants SL-2M, technical castor oil, RE-18 in the extraction of sheet steels was carried out on a modernized machine for testing the technological properties of sheet metal MTS-10H-1. The effectiveness of lubricants was evaluated according to the proposed criteria: the force corresponding to the yield strength of the sample material; the maximum tensile force of the sample; the average diameter of the flange after drawing; the coefficient of ultimate deformation; the difference between the diameters of the workpiece and the flange; the coefficient of relative ultimate deformation; the depth of the; the relative depth of the hood. Determination of stresses in sheet materials is made using the model of sheet steel drawing in the universal software system of finite element analysis ANSYS Workbench.
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