Mathematical Model of Gas-Dynamic Temperature Transducer

V. V. Korzin, D. B. Melehov


The article proposes a mathematical model of a gas-dynamic temperature transducer designed to measure the temperature of gas streams under electromagnetic and radiation fields, as well as to measure rapidly changing temperatures of gas streams with a temperature range of 20–160 ° C, based on the developed models of its elements. For the development of a mathematical model, a scheme of the jet in the working chamber of the gas-dynamic temperature transducer was made. According to the physical model of the flow of the jet in the working chamber of the gas-dynamic transducer, mathematical models have been developed for the feed and receiving channels, as well as the free section of the jet in the working chamber of the gas-dynamic temperature transducer. These mathematical models elements of transducer   are combined into a mathematical model of a gas- зычных терминов. Необходимо соблюдать единство терминологии в пределах резюме.


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