Analysis of the Formation of Welded Joints from Non-Ferrous Alloy

S. V. Nescoromniy, E. L. Strizhakov, V. G. Vinograov


The features of the production of welded joints from non-ferrous alloys are considered. The disadvantages of the used capacitor welding methods are described. To reduce the possibility of intermetallic compounds, it is proposed to use high-voltage capacitor welding with induction-dynamic drive (HVCW with IDD) on super-rigid modes of action. The technological scheme methods of HVCW with IDD are given, the physical nature of the impulse process is described. The results of comparative analysis of the waste of thermal energy depending on the technological method and roughness of the welded surfaces, as well as the ratio of thermal and mechanical energies for each method of HVCW with IDD are given.

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