Analysis of the Engineering Process of Reforming Dead Ccatalysts for the Extraction of Platinum Group Metals
The analysis of the engineering process of reforming dead catalysts for the extraction of platinum group metals has been carried out. Fully-dead catalyst, having passed several cycles of regeneration and entitled to utilization, has the considerable carbonaceous deposits both on external and internal surface. Their content averages 5.0% of the mass of the catalyst.
The research objective consisted in selection of the sweet roasting modes promoting the fullest removal of the dense carbonaceous deposits from the surface of the dead platinum-rhenium catalysts.
The kinetics research of carbonaceous removal deposits from the surface of the catalyst was carried out in a pipe-still heater; oxygen content, duration and temperature of sweet roasting being varied. The maximum temperature during the research reached 950°C, the maximum duration of isothermical holding didn't exceed 6 hours. The extent of carbonaceous deposits removal was calculated by changing sample weight.
The kinetic curves were approximated by high-order polynomials, which made it possible to obtain a diagram illustrating the degree of organic deposits removal depending on the temperature and firing time.
It is shown that in the environment enriched to 30-35 vol. % oxygen, the engineering process of catalysts for regeneration is possible to be carried out at 650 °C, with holding for 2 hours at the specified temperature. The alternative of sweet roasting is the air blowing of dead catalysts at temperature of 800 °C within one hour. Both modes guarantee the complete removal of the dense carbonaceous deposits from the surface of the dead catalyst.Full Text:
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