Automated Method for Modular Selection of Components for a Multi-Bearing Unit of an Internal Combustion Engine Assembling

V. A. Saninsky, V. V. Korzin, V. A. Petrukhin


This article is devoted to the creation of elements of a CAD system for internal combustion engines designed for the automated selection of parts for multi-bearing bearing units with more than 4 supports. The basic principles of the proposed approach, based on the use of modified procedures for selective assembly, multiples of the calculation module consisting of 4 pillars are considered.

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Petrukhin A.V., Saninskii V.A., Moskvicheva N.P., Kochkin M.V. Automated selection of components in bearing assembly for diesel engines, Russian Engineering Research, 2015, vol.35, no.7, pp. 500-504. DOI: 10.3103/S1068798X15070175



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