Calculation of Temperatures in the Aluminum Plate by the Diameter of the Melted Points

V. P. Sidorov, D. E. Sovetkin, A. V. Melzitdinova


The concept of equilibrium effective power of welding heat sources is substantiated. This is the difference between the total effective power and loss of ablation for heat transfer to the environment and to the equipment. The use of equilibrium power allows determining the parameters of the heat source and thermophysical coefficients in a mathematical model by the size of the weld pool. A computer program has been developed for calculating the size of the weld pool and thermal cycles during the action of a normal circular heat source on the plate surface.  An example is given of determining the parameters of a normal-circular source using the diameters of the molten points on a plate made of an aluminum alloy by a compressed arc with opposite current pulses. Thermal cycles are calculated for a point on the axis of the heat source at different times of its action. Estimates of the time of crystallization of the molten metal after switching off the arc were made. The calculated radial temperature distribution was obtained. With this model, the temperatures in the center of the weld pool are close to two aluminum melting points. The developed method of calculating temperatures can be used to determine the optimal modes of spot arc welding, precluding the formation of crystallization cracks

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