Design, Operating Principle of the Unit and Method for Abrasive Wear Resistance Test

A. E. Sarafanov, I. N. Erdakov, M. A. Zhludov


It is necessary to evaluate the operational properties of the obtained material in the study of new alloys, improvement of the thermal and chemical-thermal treatment modes, functional coatings creation of parts operating in difficult conditions. One of the main indicators of performance properties is abrasive wear resistance. The unit design and the operating principle is de-scribed for assessing the abrasive wear resistance when rubbing against the fixed abrasive particles. This design is an attachment to a lathe. Experimental tests of the unit showed its efficiency, and the obtained results showed high repeatability and accuracy of abrasive wear resistance measurements according to All-Union State Standard 17367-71. The developed unit is actively used in research related to the production of functional wear-resistant coatings by additive technologies, such as detonation spraying, laser cladding, laser surface thermal treatment

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