Definition of Losses in the Intermediate Transformer at the Vector-Impulse Start of AC Motors

K.V. Litsin, S.N. Baskov, I.A. Haylova


This article views the mathematical description of the iron loss at nonsinusoidal voltage transformer on its windings. The description of nonsinusoidal voltage formula is described. It is expressed through a series of single pulses and sine wave superimposed on them.  This function is expanded into a Fourier series for able to use in determining the losses in the transformer steel. The sinusoidal curve and the absence of an applied voltage demagnetizing action of eddy currents in the steel formula is given. The non-sinusoidal voltage function is considered. As a result, expressions for the losses in the steel core transformer and hysteresis losses is received. Conclusions of the dependence of the iron loss of the transformer on the amplitude of the applied voltage, as well as period and pulse duration are presented.

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