Ultrasonic Apparatus for Line Cleaning of Bearing Rings from the Technological Dirts in Aqueous Solutions

S.D. Shestakov


The article is dedicated to the device for cleaning parts of rolling bearings in aqueous detergent solutions through sonochemical and erosive action of ultrasonic cavitation in elastic waves that propagate in the washing solution oscillation sources having of flat  radiating surfaces . It is shown that when such purification is removed of pollution: the remnants used in process of formation of the details lubricating fluids, embedded in the metal of the rolling surfaces abrasive particles from the grinding tool, used for inter-operational conservation lubrication, which was formed on the surfaces during the manufacture process. It is also shown that the best way works of technology, is use on the apparat the gravity conveyors with removable trays on which rings move under the surface of washing solution successively relatively the vibration sources under own weight. Is described the design of apparatus and is given technical specifications of ultrasonic device with the magnetostrictive ultrasound transducers.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24892/RIJIE/20140301


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