Industrial Testing Technologies to Use Surfactant During Pelletizing of the Sinter Burden

E.V. Ovchinnikova, N.A. Maystrenko, A.N. Shapovalov


A complex of pilot-scale experiments to improve the pelletizing through the use of water-soluble organic surfactant when moistened of sinter burden was made. It was found that the use of surfactants provides improvement granulometric composition of the sinter burden and increasing its permeability in sintering, which provides improvement of indicators of the sintering process, both technological and qualitative. Maximum efficiency is shown by the use of surfactants in the optimum moisture of the sinter burden (7-8 %) at a binder consumption of 1.2-1.6 l/h (the surfactant concentration in the aqueous solution of 0.3-0.4 ml/l). The influence of moistening sinter burden with aqueous surfactant solution, which was established during the experiments, explained by the improved conditions of pelletizing by reducing the surface tension and increase the binding properties of water. This not only improves the results of pelletizing, but also increases the structural strength of the sintered layer by increasing the strength of the granules.

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