Kinematic Analysis of Magnetic-Abrasive Machining Cylindrical Gears in the Ring Bath

A.Y. Gavrushkevich, V.M. Geichuk


With the help of previously developed mathematical models fulfilled the analysis of the kinematics of magnetic abrasive machining of work surfaces and forming the edges of the spur gears teeth in a ring bath. Considered all technically feasible processing circuitry of wheels in the ring bath. The most rational is the scheme that uses the principle motion, primary and supplementary circular feeding. One of the circular feedings must be reversible. Searching of rational modes (speed ratio of the principle motion and circular feedings) is recommended to fulfill up to speed of supplementary circular feeding away from the principle circular feeding at which the shape of the edge has lower deviation for given speed of principle circular feeding away from the circular arc. In this case, the integral intensity criterion of surface machining must signify as close as possible to a unit.

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