Properties of Coatings Formed on Aluminum Alloys in the Anode-Cathode Mode Micro-arc Oxidation Method

I.N. Kravchenko, A.S. Almosov, A.V. Kolomeychenko


This article describes the coating formed in the anode-cathode mode way micro-arc oxidation on the details of special equipment made of aluminum alloy. The phase composition, size and microhardness of these coatings. They have a very high adhesion strength with an aluminum alloy. This is due to the fact that the hardening layer is formed by the action microarc discharges on the surface layer of oxidizable aluminum alloy. Among the various properties of the coatings obtained by micro-arc oxidation process, great importance is their porosity, its formation occurs during combustion microarc discharges. It is divided into pass-through and closed (dead-end part of the open porosity). Closed porosity is formed by the partial filling of existing open pores by burning microarc discharges. Wherein the pore sizes range from 2 to 15 microns.

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