Mechanics of External Friction at Drawing the Stripe in the Monolithic Portage

I.V. Dobrov


With the use of the main provisions of Applied Mechanics of solid and plastically deformable bodies have developed a method of mechanical modeling of processes of friction at drawing the strip in a monolithic portage, based on the similarity in the cost of power by friction individual elementary layers of the workpiece in the deformation zone and the solids, cinematically linked in such a way that each body movement corresponds to the movement of the workpiece material layer on the contact surface of the roll gap, wherein the surface multimass mechanical model loaded appanage frictional forces same by the friction forces in the deformation zone. Research the mechanical model allows to define the energy method for calculating the process of drawing the strip in a monolithic portage by determining the magnitude and distribution of contact stresses in the deformation zone depending on process parameters and design of monolithic drawing portage.

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