Automated Device Ultrasonic Welding of the Thermoplastic Materials
The article presents the results of the design and development of automated conveyor lines and rotary type ultrasonic welding of thermoplastic materials. The study have revealed the most effective ways to improve the level of automation of the process of ultrasonic welding, as well as propose and implement ways to automate the transport elements of the ball in the zone of action acoustic energy. Create a device designed for ultrasonic welding of a ring seam two pieces of spherical products from thermoplastic materials as an example of children's toys. The developed devices have been used in modern enterprises for the production of thermoplastic materials.
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Copyright (c) 2016 V.N. Khmelev, S.S. Khmelev, A.D. Abramov, D.V. Genne, M.V. Khmelev
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