Methods and Software for the Calculation of Cost of Traditional Major Repairs and Renovation with Upgrades Energy Asynchronous Motors

R.G. Mugalimov, R.A. Zakirova R.A., A.R. Mugalimova


This article presents technique and software system for calculating and optimizing the cost of capital repairs of asynchronous motors with increased energy efficiency of class standard IEG60034-30. The technique is based on the account of technological operations of repair and modernization of asynchronous motors. We consider the process steps of the traditional repair of technological operations with increased energy efficiency class of induction motors. Labor costs and the cost of material resources are calculated by mathematical models. Mathematical models include: the nominal parameters of the engine; the dimensions of the magnetic system of the electrical machine, the coil-shaped inductor; list of working; the cost of staff time; the duration of technological operations; the cost of material resources and prices; expense ratios. The calculation results are presented to the user on costs for each operation and general repair, in the form of tables and graphs. The development allows us to prove the feasibility of upgrading the traditional asynchronous machine to an asynchronous machine with individual reactive power (cos? = 1.0) compensation with high-class energy efficiency. The software package recommended specialists of engineering and electrical companies.

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Mugalimov R.G., Mugalimova A.R. Definition of the capacity of the compensating capacitor induction motor with individual reactive power compensation [Opredeleniye yemkosti kompensiruyushchego kondensatora asinkhronnogo dvigatelya s individual'noy kompensatsiyey reaktivnoy moshchnosti], Izvestiya TulGU. Tekhnicheskie nauki [Proceedings of the TulGU. Technical sciences], 2010, vol. 3, is. 4, pp. 115-120. (in Russ.)

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