Electric Drive and Automation of a Rolling Mill with a Nondrive Stand
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Radionov A.A., Malakhov O.S., Radionova L.V. Ustroystvo dlya avtomaticheskogo upravleniya skorostyu vrashcheniya valkov kletey nepreryvnogo prokatnogo stana [Device for automatically controlling the rotational speed of the rolls of the rolling mill stands of the continuous], Patent RU 67483, 2007.
Radionov A.A., Malakhov O.S. The control method in-terconnected electric rolling unit with an intermediate non-drive cage [Sposob upravleniya vzaimosvyazannymi elektro-privodami prokatnogo bloka s promezhutochnoy neprivod-noy kletyu], Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. El-ektromekhanika [Proceedings of universities. Electromechan-ics], 2006, no. 5, pp. 72-73.
Malakhov O.S., Radionov A.A. Calculation of the shaft torque motors rolling block combined wire-drawing mill [Raschet momentov na valu dvigateley prokatnogo bloka sovmeshchennogo prokatno-volochilnogo stana], El-ektrotekh-nicheskiye sistemy i kompleksy [Electrical systems and complexes], Magnitogorsk, MGTU Publ., 2006, is. 12, pp. 67-71.
Radionov A.A. Avtomatizirovannyy elektroprivod sovmeshchennogo prokatno-volochilnogo provolochnogo stana: dissertatsiya doktora tekhnicheskikh nauk [Automated electric combined wire-drawing wire rod mill: abstract of dis-sertation of Dr. Sc. (Techn.)], Magnitogorsk, 2009, 36 p.
Malakhov O.S., Radionov A.A. Mathematical model of the deformation zone section rolling mill as a control object [Matematicheskaya model ochaga deformatsii sortopro-katnogo stana kak obyekt upravleniya], Elektrotekhnicheski-ye sistemy i kompleksy [Electrical systems and complexes], Magnitogorsk, MGTU Publ., 2006, is. 13, pp. 107-114.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24892/RIJEE/20140105
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