To a Choice of Methods of Monitoring of Electric Drives of Power Objects
The analysis of methods of monitoring of driving electric motors of strong power-intensive objects on the example of electric driving gas-distributing units of compressor stations of the main transport of gas is submitted. The statistics of technical condition and safety of functioning of driving turbocompressors on objects of PJSC Gazprom is offered. The operational factors influencing on reliability of isolation the stator windings of high-voltage electric motors are considered. Hardware, methodological and algorithmic means of expeditious monitoring of technical condition and forecasting of trouble-free operation of synchronous motors are presented. It is shown that introduction of modern and reliable monitors of technical condition of units and the forecast of their resource at compressor stations allows to cut considerably operational costs and to increase safety and fail-safety of work in the regular modes, and also to carry out transition to maintenance and repair on an actual state of electric drives of electrical power objects.
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