Energy Saving Technical Solutions for Adjustable Electric Drives of a Megawatt Class
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Puzhaylo A.F., Kryukov O.V., Rubtsova I.Ye. Energy-saving units and compressor stations by means of variable frequency drive [Energosberezheniye a agregatakh kompressornykh stantsiy sredstvami chastotno-reguliruyemogo elektroprivoda], Nauka i tekhnika v gazovoy promyshlennosti [Science and technology in the gas industry], 2012, no.2(50), pp. 98-106. (in Russ.)
Zakharov P.A., Kiyanov N.V., Kryukov O.V. Systems of automation of technological installations for the efficient transport of gas [Sistemy avtomatizatsii tekhnologicheskikh ustanovok dlya effektivnogo transporta gaza], Avtomatizatsiya v promyshlennosti [Automation industry], 2008, no.6, pp. 6-10. (in Russ.)
Milov V.R., Suslov B.A., Kryukov O.V. Intellectualization support management decisions in the gas industry [Intellektualizatsiya podderzhki upravlencheskikh resheniy v gazovoy otrasli], Avtomatizatsiya v promyshlennosti [Automation industry], 2009, no.12, pp. 16-20. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.1134/S0005117911050183
Kryukov O.V. Capacity control of electrically driven gas pumping units with frequency converters [Regulirovaniye proizvoditelnosti elektroprivodnykh gazoperekachivayushchikh agregatov preobrazovatelyami chastoty], Kompressornaya tekhnika i pnevmatika [Compressor equipment and pneumatics], 2013. no.3, pp. 21-24. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V., Stepanov S.Ye., Bychkov Ye.V. Invariant Systems technologically connected drives of trunk gas pipelines [Invariantnyye sistemy tekhnologicheski svyazannykh elektroprivodov obyektov magistralnykh gazoprovodov], AEP-2014 [AEP 2014], Saransk, 2014, pp. 409-414. (in Russ.)
Anikin D.A., Rubtsova I.Ye., Kryukov O.V., Kiyanov N.V. Designing control systems electrically-HPA [Proyektirovaniye sistem upravleniya elektroprivodnymi GPA], Gazovaya promyshlennost [Gas industry], 2009, no.2, pp. 44-47. (in Russ.)
Stepanov S.E., Kryukov O.V., Plekhov A.S. Principles of automatic control excitation of synchronous machines gas compressor stations [Printsipy avtomaticheskogo upravleniya vozbuzhdeniyem sinkhronnykh mashin gazokompressornykh stantsiy], Avtomatizatsiya v promyshlennosti [Automation industry], 2010, no.6, pp. 29-31. (in Russ.)
Milov V.R., Suslov B.A., Kryukov O.V. Intellectual management decision support in gas industry, Automation and Remote Control, 2011, vol. 72, no.5, pp. 1095-1101. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.1134/S0005117911050183
Kryukov O.V. Comparative analysis of the drive technology of gas pumping units [Sravnitelnyy analiz privodnoy tekhniki gazoperekachivayushchikh agregatov], Privodnaya tekhnika [Drive technology], 2010, no.5, pp. 20-27. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V., Repin D.G. Systems operational monitoring of technical condition of power plants for the energy security of compressor stations [Sistemy operativnogo monitoringa tekhnicheskogo sostoyaniya energoustanovok dlya energeticheskoy bezopasnosti kompressornykh stantsiy], Gazovaya promyshlennost [Gas industry], 2014, no.712, pp. 84-87. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V., Titov V.G. Analysis of starting modes of electrically driven gas pumping units [Analiz puskovykh rezhimov elektroprivodnykh gazoperekachivayushchikh agregatov], Izvestiya vysshikh uchebnykh zavedeniy. Elektromekhanika [Proceedings of the higher educational institutions. electromechanics], 2012, no.3, pp. 29-35. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Hardware and safe high-power motors start algorithmic means [Apparatnyye i algoritmicheskiye sredstva bezopasnogo puska elektrodvigateley bolshoy moshchnosti], Elektrooborudovanie: ekspluatatsiya i remont [Electrical equipment: maintenance and repair], 2013, no.9, pp. 23-30. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Synthesis and analysis of electric drive units of compressor stations with stochastic perturbations [Sintez i analiz elektroprivodnykh agregatov kompressornykh stantsiy pri stokhasticheskikh vozmushcheniyakh], Elektrotekhnika [Electronics], 2013, no.3, pp. 22-27. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.3103/S1068371213030085
Kryukov O.V. The methodology and tools of neuro-fuzzy prediction state drives gazope-rekachivayuschih units [Metodologiya i sredstva neyro-nechetkogo prognozirovaniya sostoyaniya elektroprivodov gazope-rekachivayushchikh agregatov], Elektrotekhnika [Electronics], 2012, no.9, pp. 52-57. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.3103/S1068371212090064
Kryukov O.V. Virtual load cell synchronous machines [Virtualnyy datchik nagruzki sinkhronnykh mashin], Elektrooborudovaniye: ekspluatatsiya i remont [Electrical equipment: maintenance and repair], 2014, no.3, pp. 45-50. (in Russ.)
Litsin K.V., Baskov S.N., Haylova I.A. Definition of losses in the intermediate transformer at the vector-impulse start of AC motors, Russian Internet Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2014, no.1, pp. 77-81. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24892/RIJIE/20140110
Babichev S.A., Zakharov P.A., Kryukov O.V. Monitoring the technical condition of the drive motors of gas pumping units [Monitoring tekhnicheskogo sostoyaniya privodnykh elektrodvigateley gazoperekachivayushchikh agregatov], Kontrol. Diagnostika [Control. Diagnostics], 2009, no.7, pp. 33-39. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V., Stepanov S.E., Titov V.G. Integrated technical condition monitoring system for electric energy security of gas transport [Vstroennye sistemy monitoringa tekhnicheskogo sostoyaniya elek-troprivodov dlya energeticheskoy bezopasnosti transporta gaza], Energobezopasnost' i energosberezhenie [Energy safety and energy efficiency], 2012, no.2, pp. 5-10. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Built-in diagnostics and forecasting of work of asynchronous electric [Vstroyennaya sistema diagnostirovaniya i prognozirovaniya raboty asinkhronnykh elektroprivodov], Izvestiya VUZov. Elektromekhanika [Proceedings of the universities. Electromechanics], 2005, no.6, pp. 43-46. (in Russ.)
Babichev S.A., Zakharov P.A., Kryukov O.V. Automated monitoring system for drive motors of gas-compressor units, Automation and Remote Control, 2011, vol.72, no.6, pp. 175-180. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Frequency regulation performance electrically driven gas pumping units [Chastotnoye regulirovaniye proizvoditelnosti elektroprivodnykh gazoperekachivayushchikh agregatov], Electrical equipment: maintenance and repair [Elektrooborudovanie: ekspluatatsiya i remont], 2014. no.6, pp. 39-43. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V., Krasnov D.V. Prospects for the use of frequency inverters for controlling the performance EGPA [Perspektivy primeneniya preobrazo-vateley chastoty dlya regulirovaniya proizvoditelnosti EGPA], Gazovaya promyshlennost [Gas industry], 2014, no.6, pp. 86-89. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Electric drive systems in compressor stations with stochastic perturbations, Russian Electrical Engineering, 2013, vol. 84, pp. 135-138. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.3103/S1068371213030085
Vasenin A.B., Kryukov O.V., Serebryakov A.V. Algorithms for control of electromechanical systems, gas trunkline [Algoritmy upravleniya elektromekhanicheskimi sistemami magistralnogo transporta gaza], AEP-2014 [AEP 2014], Saransk, 2014, pp. 404-409. (in Russ.)
Serebryakov A.V., Kryukov O.V. Optimization control autonomous power plants in terms of stochastic perturbation [Optimizatsiya upravleniya avtonomnymi energeticheskimi ustanovkami v usloviyakh stokhasticheskikh vozmushcheniy], Promyshlennaya energetika [Industrial power], 2013, no.5, pp. 45-49. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V., Titov V.V. Development of automation autonomous wind energy plant [Razrabotka ASU avtonomnymi vetroenergeticheskimi ustanovkami], Avtomatizatsiya v promyshlennosti [Automation industry], 2009, no.4. pp. 35-37. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V., Vasenin A.B., Serebryakov A.V. Experimental stand electromechanical parts of the wind power plant [Eksperimentalnyy stend elektromekhanicheskoy chasti vetroenergeticheskoy ustanovki], Privodnaya tekhnika [Drive technology], 2012, no.4, pp. 2-11. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V., Serebryakov A.V. Active-adaptive control algorithms and monitoring of autonomous wind power complexes [Aktivno-adaptivnyye algoritmy upravleniya i monitoringa avtonomnymi vetroenergeticheskimi kompleksami], Prom-Inzhiniring [Prom-Engineering], Chelyabinsk, 2016, pp. 286-290. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Strategy invariant control systems of electric facilities of JSC “Gazprom” [Strategii invariantnykh sistem upravleniya elektroprivodami obyektov OAO «Gazprom»], Identifikatsiya sistem i zadachi upravleniya SICPRO'15 [System Identification and Control Problems SICPRO'15], 2015, pp. 368-386. (in Russ.)
Lapayev D.N. Mnogokriterialnoye prinyatiye resheniy v ekonomike: monografiya [Multicriteria decision-making in the economy: a monograph], Nizhniy Novgorod, VGIPU, 2010, 362 p. (in Russ.)
Lapayev D.N. Mnogokriterialnoye prinyatiye resheniy v ekonomike (2-ye izdaniye): monografiya [Multicriteria decision-making in the economy (2nd edition): monograph], Nizhniy Novgorod, NGTU, 2016, 281 p. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V., Gorbatushkov A.V., Stepanov S.Ye. Principles of construction of electric power facilities invariant [Printsipy postroyeniya invariantnykh elektroprivodov energeticheskikh obyektov], Avtomatizirovannyy elektroprivod i promyshlennaya elektronika [Automatic Electric and industrial electronics], 2010, pp. 38-45. (in Russ.)
Zakharov P.A., Kryukov O.V. The methodology of the invariant control units of compressor stations at random actions [Metodologiya invariantnogo upravleniya agregatami kompressornykh stantsiy pri sluchaynykh vozdeystviyakh], Izvestiya VUZov. Elektromekhanika [Proceedings of the universities. Electromechanics], 2009, no.5, pp. 64-70. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Analysis of Safety start system electrically driven gas pumping units [Analiz sistem bezopasnogo puska elektroprivodnykh gazoperekachivayushchikh agregatov], Kompressornaya tekhnika i pnevmatika [Compressor equipment and pneumatics], 2012, no.2, pp. 12-17. (in Russ.)
Voronkov V.I., Rubtsova I.E., Stepanov S.E., Kryukov O.V., Titov V.G. Avtomatizirovannaya sistema plavnogo puska sinkhronnogo elektroprivoda mekhanizmov s vysokomomentnoy nagruzkoy [Automated system for soft start of synchronous electric machines with high-torque load], Patent RU 101598, 2010. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Analysis designs of electric mashines for gas pumping units, Russian Internet Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2015, vol.3, no.4, pp. 53-58. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24892/RIJIE/20150409
Kryukov O.V., Serebryakov A.V., Vasenin A.B. Diagnosis of the electromechanical power plants [Diagnostika elek-tromekhanicheskoy chasti energeticheskikh ustanovok], Yelek-tromekhanichni I yenergozberigayuchi sistemi [Electromechani-cal and Energy Systems], 2012, no.3(19), pp. 549-552. (in Russ.)
Maklakov A.S., Maklakova E.A. EMC Analysis of 18-pulse сonnection сircuit based on 3L-AFE with SHEPWM, Russian Internet Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2016, vol.4, no.1, pp. 66-73. (in Russ.). DOI: 10.24892/RIJIE/20160109
Kryukov O.V. Intelligent electric drives with IT-algorithms [Intellektualnyye elektroprivody s IT-algoritmami], Avtomatizatsiya v promyshlennosti [Automation industry], 2008, no.6, pp. 36-39. (in Russ.)
Serebryakov A.V., Kryukov O.V., Vasenin A.B. Fuzzy models of power plants and control algorithms [Nechetkiye modeli i algoritmy upravleniya energeticheskimi ustanovkami], Upravleniye v tekhnicheskikh, ergaticheskikh, organizatsionnykh i setevykh sistemakh [Management in technical, ergatic, organizational and network systems], 2012, pp. 467-469. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Applications experiment planning theory for invariant object gas transmission systems [Prikladnyye zadachi teorii planirovaniya eksperimenta dlya invariantnykh obyektov gazotransportnykh sistem], Identifikatsiya sistem i zadachi upravleniya SICPRO'15 [System Identification and Control Problems SICPRO'15], 2012, pp. 222-236. (in Russ.)
Zakharov P.A., Kryukov O.V. The principles of the invariant control electronic gas transportation systems with random perturbations [Printsipy invariantnogo upravleniya elektroprivodami gazotransportnykh sistem pri sluchaynykh vozmushcheniyakh], Vestnik Ivanovskogo gosudarstvennogo energeticheskogo universiteta [Herald of Ivanovo State Power University], 2008, no.2, pp. 98-103. (in Russ.)
Kryukov O.V. Strategy invariant electric gas transmission systems [Strategii invariantnykh elektroprivodov gazotransportnykh system], Trudy “Intellektualnyye sistemy” [Proc “Intelligent Systems”], Moscow, RUDN, 2014, pp. 458-463. (in Russ.)
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