Ways to improve the stability of variable frequency drives for violations of electricity

Alexander Karandaev, Rifhat Hramshin, Timur Hramshin, Vadim Hramshin, Andrey Gubajdullin


Features of modes of self-start of frequency and adjustable electric drives of pumps and fans are considered at short-term violations of power supply. Results of pilot studies of transients of electric drives at management of the frequency converter with function "pickup are presented to a raid" and with compulsory clearing of a field. Ways of management and the technical development realizing the principle of clearing of a field are considered. The principle of a most food based on use of own kinetic energy of the electric drive is considered. The scheme of an uninterrupted food of responsible consumers with the electromechanical store of energy is submitted.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24892/RIJIE/20130110


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Copyright (c) 2016 Alexander Karandaev, Rifhat Hramshin, Timur Hramshin, Vadim Hramshin, Andrey Gubajdullin

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