Research of the Antifriction Properties of Carbon

А.A. Аsheichik, V.L. Polonsky


For delivery of a measurement complex into an oil well for the analysis of a condition of a oil well and its possible restoration special cables pushers are used. A matrix of such cable most often is сarbon which have high strength, chemical resistance to influence of sea water and gas-oil mix and to an explosive decompression. In this work antifrictional properties of сarbon were investigated: friction coefficient and wear resistance in the wide range of loadings and friction in various environments.

The stand design for researches of materials at back and forth movement and procedure of testing of samples of cables with carbonic matrixes are described. Experimental data on change of friction coefficient of carbon at loadings from 3 to 520 N at friction without lubricant and greasing by crude oil or hydraulic oil are given. The procedures and results of tests for wear of samples of a cable pusher with carbonic matrixes of two types is given.

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