The Reserves Estimation of Electric Power System Small Signal Stability

A.M. Abdurahmanov, M.Sh. Misrikhanov, V.N. Ryabchenko


We propose an algebraic matrix method of reserves  estimation of multimachine electric power system small signal stability (asymptotic stability) that allows for multiple calculations of stationary regimes. The method is based determinant obtained by the authors of the degeneracy conditions locally modified Jacobi matrix mathematical model of the power system. Under local changes of the matrix refers to arbitrary changes of its elements in a single row or a single column. Such changes and their location simplifies algebraic conditions singular matrix. These conditions make it possible to significantly reduce the amount of calculations produced, which in turn allows for large orders of the analyzed systems of equations a high degree of efficiency of electric power of multiple mass calculations. The paper summarizes the equivalent conditions of degeneration locally modified Jacobi matrix obtained by the technique of zero divisors.

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