Comparative Study of High-Chromium Cast Iron Coatings Modified with WC-W2C/Co+B4C+Ni/Al Complexes and Cr3C2/PG-US25 Ceramet
The article describes the preparation and comparative wear resistance testing of Fe-Cr-C- (B) coating materials, intended to harden the working bodies of agricultural machines using high-performance method of inductive surfacing, and contains the results of microstructure analysis of such coatings. These coatings are made of powder compositions based on PG-US25 high-chromium cast iron and borate flux for inductive surfacing of P-0.66 grade, modified with W, B, Cr carbides in amounts from 2...5 to 25...30 wt.%, which can be applied to machine’s elements without significant technology changes. Modifying agents were commercial products (WC-W2C / Co spherical cast tungsten carbide, B4C abraser).
The article demonstrates that the injection of these complexes into the fusion mixture for inductive surfacing can increase their hardness (up to 1000...1200 HV100) and wear resistance of the surfacing metal 3.1...4.5 times compared to the base metal (65G steel), and 1.3...1.8 times compared to the base material. The observed changes in coatings characteristics are explained by Charpy effect, dispersion hardening and the formation of new phases in the coatings (boride eutectics).
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