Influence of Extent of Discrete Hardening of the Surface on Tribotechnical Characteristics of Stell and Alloys

T.V. Tarasova, S.D. Kuzmin, I.S. Belashova, T.D. Belokon


The development of modern aviation industry is impossible without improving the durability and reliability of the let-out products and reducing their consumption of materials and cost. While in service parts of aerospace and equipment most intense mechanical and thermal influences exposed surface layer of machine parts, failure of components in some cases due to the lack of resistance to surface abrasion. One effective way of solving this problem is the development and implementation of advanced methods of surface hardening, based on the local impact of highly concentrated energy sources, subordinate to the principle of discrete hardening. The authors propose to use the method of discrete laser hardening. Studies have shown that this method of surface hardening reduces friction and improves wear resistance.

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