Regulator Settings of the Automatic Control Systems for Straight-through Drawing Machine Electric Drives

A.A. Radionov, S.A. Linkov


Presents an analysis of the technological process of drawing a metal wire on the straight-through drawing machines. Formulated technological requirements for automated electric drives: speed control with an error not exceeding ± 5% in the range of 1:50; regulating the magnitude counterstrain (tension in the wire drawing dies before) with an error not exceeding ± 15%; providing refueling and jog run modes, constant acceleration when starting and braking, working modes, emergency and emergency braking with energy recovery in the power grid. Describes developed by the authors control systems of electric drives. Shows a functional diagram and block diagrams automated electric drives. Based on the analysis of electromechanical systems were proposed settings of the speed and counterstrain regulators. Theoretical analysis of the static and dynamic properties of automatic control systems confirmed the correctness of decisions.

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