Analysis of the Energy Efficiency of Electromechanical Systems Transport Gas

A.V. Serebryakov


Systematic national and international experience in the design and implementation of modern systems of automated electric drive of technological equipment of gas pipelines. Considered the most important factors for improving the competitiveness of Electromechanical systems megawatt class for centrifugal natural gas compressors. The results of numerical analysis and experimental operation of new units at compressor stations of main gas pipelines. The possibility of application of new high-voltage multilevel inverters, soft start devices, microprocessor systems control and diagnostics of Electromechanical parts of electric drives based on induction and synchronous machines. Suggested promising directions modernization and improvement of electric pumping units on the basis of use of new techniques and technologies to improve the reliability, sustainability and energy efficiency of compressor stations on gas pipelines of the Russian Federation.

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