Analysis of Foreign Normative and Technical Documentation and Practical Recommendations for the Calculation and Coordination of Short-Circuit Currents in Electrical Networks
Analyzed organization for standardization and the output of normative and technical documentation, regulating the activities of energy companies developed foreign countries in the field of the methods and means of coordinating short-circuit currents.
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GOST 26522-85. Short circuits in electrical installations. Terms and Definitions [Korotkiye zamykaniya v elektroustanovkakh. Terminy i opredeleniya]. (in Russ.)
GOST 28249-93. Short circuits in electrical installations. Calculation methods in up to 1 kV AC electrical voltage [Korotkiye zamykaniya v elektroustanovkakh. Metody rascheta v elektroustanovkakh peremennogo toka napryazheniyem do 1 kV]. (in Russ.)
GOST 29176-91. Short circuits in electrical installations. Method of calculation in electrical DC [Korotkiye zamykaniya v elektroustanovkakh. Metodika rascheta v elektroustanovkakh postoyannogo toka]. (in Russ.)
GOST 30011.1-2012. The equipment of distribution and management low-voltage. Part 1: General requirements [Apparatura raspredeleniya i upravleniya nizkovoltnaya. Chast 1. Obshchiye trebovaniya]. (in Russ.)
GOST 30331.1-2013. Electrical low voltage. Part 1: Basic provisions, assessment of general characteristics, terms and definitions [Elektroustanovki nizkovoltnyye. Chast 1. Osnovnyye polozheniya, otsenka obshchikh kharakteristik, terminy i opredeleniya]. (in Russ.)
GOST R 50571.23-2000. Electrical installations of buildings. Requirements for special installations [Elektroustanovki zdaniy. Trebovaniya k spetsialnym elektroustanovkam]. (in Russ.)
GOST R 51731-2010. Electromechanical contactors for household and similar purposes [Kontaktory elektromekhanicheskiye bytovogo i analogichnogo naznacheniya]. (in Russ.)
GOST R 52735-2007. Short circuits in electrical installations. Calculation methods in ac electrical voltage greater than 1 kV [Korotkiye zamykaniya v elektroustanovkakh. Metody rascheta v elektroustanovkakh peremennogo toka napryazheniyem svyshe 1 kV]. (in Russ.)
GOST R 52736-2007. Short circuits in electrical installations. Calculation methods of thermal and electrodynamic action of short-circuit current [Korotkiye zamykaniya v elektroustanovkakh. Metody rascheta elektrodinamicheskogo i termicheskogo deystviya toka korotkogo zamykaniya]. (in Russ.)
GOST R IEC 60050-195-2005. Earthing and protection against electric shock. Terms and Definitions [Zazemleniye i zashchita ot porazheniya elektricheskim tokom. Terminy i opredeleniya]. (in Russ.)
GOST R IEC 60050?826-2009. Electrical Installations. Terms and Definitions [Ustanovki elektricheskiye. Terminy i opredeleniya]. (in Russ.)
GOST R IEC 61058-1-2012. Switches for appliances. Part 1: General requirements [Vyklyuchateli dlya elektropriborov. Chast 1. Obshchiye trebovaniya]. (in Russ.)
GOST R IEC 60204-1-2007. Safety of machinery. Electrical equipment of machines. Part 1: General requirements [Bezopasnost mashin. Elektrooborudovaniye mashin i mekhanizmov. Chast 1. Obshchiye trebovaniya]. (in Russ.)
Ignatov V.V. Ogranicheniye tokov korotkogo zamykaniya deleniyem elektricheskikh setey i otsenka yego vliyaniya na rezhimy energosistemy: dis. kand.tekhn. nauk [Limiting short-circuit currents by dividing the electric grids and assessment of its impact on power system modes: thesis of the candidate of technical sciences dissertation], 2010. (in Russ.)
RD 153-34.0-20.527-98. Guidelines for the calculation of short circuit current and the choice of the electrical equipment [Rukovodyashchiye ukazaniya po raschetu tokov korotkogo zamykaniya i vyboru elektrooborudovaniya]. (in Russ.)
SO 34.20.808. Guidelines for the calculation of short circuit currents in the mains voltage up to 1 kV substations and power plants, taking into account the effect of the electric arc [Metodicheskiye ukazaniya po raschetu tokov korotkogo zamykaniya v seti napryazheniyem do 1 kV elektrostantsiy i podstantsiy s uchetom vliyaniya elektricheskoy dugi]. (in Russ.)
Cho G.Ch. Comparison of domestic and foreign short-circuit calculation methods for the selection of electrical equipment and protection settings [Sopostavleniye otechestvennykh i zarubezhnykh metodik rascheta KZ dlya vybora elektrooborudovaniya i nastroyki zashchit], Trudy “Vserossiysko-koreyskoy nauchnoy konf. posvyashchennoy 20-letnemu yubileyu Assotsiatsii Nauchno-Tekhnicheskikh Obshchestv Koreytsev” [Proc. “All-Russia Scientific Conference Korean. dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the Association of Scientific and Technical Societies Koreans”], 2011, pp. 159-160. (in Russ.)
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