Temperature in Intermittent Cutting

V. A. Solodkov, S. I. Kormilitsin, P. A. Norchenko


Annotation. It is generally accepted that intermittent cutting temperature is significantly lower than steady-state cutting temperature. However, as the results of experimental studies and theoretical calculations confirming them show, the temperature of interrupted cutting at the end of the working stroke (with a sufficiently long length) is close to the temperature of the steady cutting. This is explained by a higher rate of plastic deformation in the chip formation zone and in the contact zone during intermittent cutting and, as a consequence, a higher heat release rate. It has been established that the reason for the higher rate of plastic deformation is a smaller amount of shrinkage of the chips, and as a result, a higher speed of its movement along the front surface of the tool. The most simple, affordable, and also providing sufficient accuracy for calculations, method of estimating temperatures on the working surfaces of the tool is the A.N. calculation method. Reznikova. The basis of this technique is the method of solving the differential heat equation that is the most common in technological thermophysics - the method of heat sources, in accordance with which a layout of heat sources and sinks with steady and intermittent cutting was adopted. To verify the calculation results, the cutting temperature was determined by a well-known and widely used method - the natural thermocouple method.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.24892/RIJIE/20190305


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